Meet the Team

The project WOW team represents a multi-institution consortium that will bring together internationally recognized PIs in the areas of expertise of research, monitoring, and risk assessment associated with offshore energy development.

Douglas P. Nowacek

Principal Investigator,
Bioacoustics & Engineering Lab,
Duke University

Patrick N. Halpin

Co-Principal Investigator,
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab,
Duke University

Brian C. Murray

Co-Principal Investigator,
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability,
Duke University

Biodiversity Research Institute

Cornell University

Rutgers University

Scientific Innovations

Southall Environmental Associates (SEA)

SUNY Stony Brook

Syracuse University

Florida State University

University of St. Andrews

Wildlife Conservation Society

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

New England Aquarium,
Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Aarhus University


Our project team includes the newly-formed Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind (RWSC), whose mission is to collaboratively and effectively conduct and coordinate relevant, credible, and efficient regional monitoring and research of wildlife and marine ecosystems that supports the advancement of environmentally responsible and cost-efficient offshore wind power development activities in the U.S. Atlantic waters. RWSC accomplishes this mission by engaging stakeholders throughout the region from four Sectors (federal agencies, states, environmental non-governmental organizations, and the offshore wind industry) to prioritize wildlife monitoring needs, align funding with those needs, and ensure that appropriate data and standards are in place.

Our Funders

Grant Number DE-EE0010287, Offshore Wind Energy Environmental Research and Instrumentation Validation

The 3rd Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP3) is sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE) and collaborates with WOW on certain research activities, like passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals and bats, as well as the installation of automated radio telemetry (‘Motus’) stations to detect tagged birds and bats. WFIP3 will deploy moorings and structures complete with a wide variety of weather instrumentation to better understand the physics of the atmosphere and ocean as they relate to the wind in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL). Project WOW plans to deploy additional marine mammal acoustic recorders, bat acoustic recorders, and Motus stations to these existing WFIP3 moorings and structures. WFIP3 is led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in collaboration with the national labs of the DOE and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 

External Advisory Board

This project has the support and commitment from an external advisory board made of the following institutions: